汪 曉 青
藝術家 生於台灣台北 Born in Taipei City, Taiwan [email protected] http://www.artanniewang.weebly.com Facebook: 汪曉青 (Annie Wang) IG: Annie Wang (@artanniewang) |
Artist Annie Hsiao-Ching Wang was born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1972. She received her PhD in Art from the University of Brighton in the UK. She can be found year-round intensely focused on issues related to the female identity in her photography, oil paintings, and art instruction. She is a director of Ching Tien Art Space, but also an assistant professor at the National Dong Hwa University.
Her artworks went viral and prompted numerous reports and great interest abroad. “In these photos, Wang asserts her active role in the making of another life, reframing motherhood as a grand creative endeavor,” says The New Yorker. She also garnered appreciation from the BBC who said her works “change and transcend the cliché of motherhood. The Chinese publication Portrait Magazine ranked Annie Wang as one of the top 25 most influential persons of 2018 as well. Wang is internationally renowned. In recent years, international photography festivals or large-scale art exhibitions in many countries have invited her to exhibit. For example, the Festival Images Vevey in Switzerland, the International Festival of photography in Australia, “SHERO” at the Tainan Art Museum in Taiwan, the Daegu Photo Biennale in Korea, the AIPAD in New York and the Paris Photo in Paris. Moreover, her works are collected in the Museum of Fine Arts Houston (Houston, U.S.), the Getty Center (Los Angeles, U.S.), the George Eastman Museum (Rochester, U.S.), Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (Kansas City, U.S.), the Harry Rison Center (Austin, U.S.), The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (San Francisco, U.S.) and Tainan Museum of Art (Taiwan), etc. 汪曉青1972年生於台灣臺北,英國布萊敦大學藝術博士(PhD),長年關注女性認同的攝影、繪畫之創作與教學。青田藝術空間創辦人,並於國立東華大學藝術與設計學系兼任助理教授。
她的作品廣為國際報導,美國《The New Yorker》雜誌認同她「將母職重新塑造為一項宏偉的事業」。英國《BBC》讚譽她改變並超越母職的陳腔濫調。中國《人物》雜誌列她為2018年全球25名人之一。 近年受邀展於瑞士「沃韋影像雙年展」、美國「Photoville攝影節」、祕魯「身份美學展」、澳洲「國際攝影雙年展」、義大利「PhotoLux國際攝影雙年展」、台灣「臺南市美術館:Shero展」、韓國「大邱攝影雙年展」、美國「2023 AIPAD國際攝影博覽會」與法國「Paris Photo國際攝影博覽會」等。作品典藏於美國休士頓美術館、蓋蒂中心、喬治‧伊斯特曼博物館、納爾遜‧阿特金斯藝術博物館、哈利·瑞森展覽館、舊金山現代藝術博物館與台灣台南市美術館等,享譽國際。 |